Pope Francis Likes CCH!

Dear Friend of CatholicsComeHome.org,

The excitement of the Easter season continues here at Catholics Come Home® as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection, our beloved Pope Francis, a momentous month for our apostolate in the national spotlight, and the extraordinary plan God has for all of our lives!

Pope Francis knows about Catholics Come Home®!
In the March 17, 2013 issue of Catholic New World (Chicago), Monica Mavric, a judge in the archdiocesan Tribunal recalls her first visit with Pope Francis, when he was a Cardinal in Argentina. During that visit, “Chicago was in the midst of Catholics Come Home, a campaign using advertisements to encourage non-practicing Catholics to return to church. Mavric took Catholics Come Home materials to share with then-Cardinal Bergoglio. He was very happy to have it, she said.”

Catholics Come Home® makes a splash on International TV News and on mainstream National TV during Lent and Holy Week!
We couldn’t be more fired up about the incredible results of our Epic campaign during The Bible on History Channel. According to the producers of The Bible, the series reached more than 100 million viewers during its airing from Lent to Easter Sunday. It’s exciting to think that all of those viewers were reached with the message to “come home to Jesus and His Church,” thanks to your generous support! Catholics Come Home® received an outpouring of emails and social media feedback from both practicing and fallen-away Catholics, as well as non-Catholics during the campaign. Amazingly, our website received 15,000 visitors at once at 10pm EDT on Sunday March 3rd and CatholicsComeHome.org received more than 75,000 visits during the month that our EPIC evangomercialTM was airing! One thing is clear after this campaign: we need to do more niche campaigns like the History Channel Bible Miniseries and our ESPN Coach Lou Holtz campaigns, to invite more souls home. These targeted niche campaigns are effective and cost efficient!

Multiple Good Friday national news stories about Catholics Come Home®!
The spotlight on Catholics Come Home® and the Church continued on Good Friday, with FOX News featuring me our apostolate in three stories throughout the day, commenting on the resurrecting effect Pope Francis is having on the Catholic Church. Since you probably weren’t watching TV on Good Friday, here are some clips from the stories that day, appearing in America’s Newsroom, Fox Report with Shepard Smith, and Special Report with Bret Baier.

Also on Good Friday, Catholics Come Home® was featured in a prominent article in the National Review online. In it, I refute errors about Catholicism, and explain how to invite more souls home to Jesus and His Holy Catholic Church.

Catholics Come Home: God’s Extraordinary Plan for Your Life is now in airport bookstores!
We recently received the great news that my new book, Catholics Come Home:God’s Extraordinary Plan for Your Life is now prominently displayed among bestsellers on bookshelves in the Atlanta and all the NYC area airports! Click to watch this new promo video for the book, and please share on Facebook and Twitter, so more people can read and benefit from the Good News that God has a unique and extraordinary plan for everyone!

A Coming Home Story…from Facebook!
Several weeks ago, a young woman and mother of two visited our Facebook page, asking questions about the Catholic Church. She wondered about how to recover from feelings of frustration over scandal in the Church, the Church’s teachings on various ‘controversial’ topics, how to forgive Catholics who hurt her in the past, and more. Sometimes her posts with harsh remarks had to be deleted. She seemed convinced that she would never return home. Nonetheless, Katie Peterson Warner, our Director of Communications and Evangelization, continued to dialogue with her online, lovingly and patiently inviting her to open her heart again to the Catholic Church. After much prayer and digital conversation, we received a message from her on Good Friday, during the hours of Divine Mercy, saying, “I want to thank the invisible person who answered my questions and helped re-open my heart. I went back home today and will be there till the day I die. Thank you and God Bless you…for this Catholic has come home and it feels so good.” God could not have given us a greater gift on such a holy day! Please keep this young woman and her family in your prayers as they return home to the practice of the Catholic Faith, thanks to the workings of the Holy Spirit in her heart and missionary evangelization using Facebook! Can you believe it?!

Your generous spiritual and financial support continue to impact many souls, some of whom you may never meet here on earth. What a great reward awaits us who continue to spread God’s Word to the spiritually poor. Please help us continue this vital work so the Holy Spirit can bring more growth to the evangelization mission of Catholics Come Home®!

As always, we thank you for your continued support of our mission to invite Catholics and non-Catholics home to the Catholic Church.