Catholics Come Home In the News

Stay informed about Catholics Come Home!

Families Need Mass: New Commercial from CCH!

Catholics Come Home® is excited to announce a new evangomercial! Additionally, during this month of May when we celebrate Our Lady, we reflect on all of the ways she has guided us with her motherly love during the month of April with a great month for coverage for CCH in the news.

Catholics Come Home® announces a new evangomercial: “Families Need Mass”!
Please take a moment to view our new evangomercialTM with the powerful message that families need Mass to reach their fullest potential. Our culture needs to hear this truth! Please share this commercial with your networks through email, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and your other social networks. With your help, we can have more stories like Mary’s: “Our family has returned to the Catholic Church as a result of Catholics Come Home. Thank you for providing such a wonderful evangelical tool.” Praise God!

NBC TV and ABC News Radio feature Catholics Come Home®!
The momentum keeps building for Catholics Come Home® in the news! We were recently featured in an NBC news story, subtitled “Lapsed Catholics lured back by Pope Francis” (which also appeared on the home page of and on ABC News Talk Radio

Fathers for Good, an initiative of the Knights of Columbus, also focused on Catholics Come Home® in the article, “Home is where the faith is: Catholics Come Home® has reached millions with a simple invitation.”

Catholics Come Home® is highlighted in a British Newspaper!
Check out the engaging article about Catholics Come Home® featured in the British newspaper, The Catholic Herald. God-willing, we will see evangomercialsTM airing overseas in the near future!

St. Edith Stein once said, “The nation doesn’t simply need what we have. It needs what we are.” Let us continue to work together to be a light to our nation, a beacon of hope for our culture, through our ongoing invitation to souls to come home to Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church. Please help us fund the airing of our new Families Need Mass evangomercial, so we can bring a renewal of peace in our homes and a refocus on God as the center of family life!

Great books for families!

Check out these two wonderful books, perfect for building up your family and enriching your own life and reading:

Big Hearted: Inspiring Stories from Everyday Families by Patti Armstrong and Theresa Thomas, to be released this Spring!

Big Hearted gives you an inside look into the triumphs, struggles, joys and sorrows of ordinary families with generous hearts. It invites you to witness extraordinary love in ordinary moments like the simple cooking of a meal or the hug between a teenaged brother and his baby sister. Just like your family, these families experience pain, setbacks, and challenges. And just like your family, they also experience love and immeasurable blessing through their commitment and care for each other. In this book, you will learn the story of: ? A father of seven healthy boys who struggled to love his Down syndrome baby girl ? A mother of twelve who learned an important lesson about Christmas from her children ? A special relationship between a teenaged brother and his infant sister ? Two grandparents in their final days who inspired their grandchildren in simple ways ? Two orphan children from Kenya who prayed for adoption by an American family and got what they asked for! It has been said that God cannot be outdone in generosity. The stories in these pages will show you how big hearted families experience this truth in a myriad of ways, sometimes miraculously.

Dear God, I Don’t Get It by Patti Armstrong, available now!

“Dear God, I don’t get it!” is the perfect story for 3rd through 6th grade Catholic kids and classrooms with excellent writing, vocabulary and thinking activities incorporated at the end of the book. It combines a great story with age-appropriate apologetics and is endorsed by best-selling authors Emily and Jeff Cavins as well as Bishop Zipfel. Mary Kochan, Senior Editor of Catholic Exchange and homeschooler endorses “Dear God, I don’t get it!” and explains, “Sixth-grader, Aaron Ajax is happily comfortable, with not much more than the annoyances of a little brother to disturb him and he takes his friendship with God for granted. When a sudden change in family circumstances uproots him from the home and friends he has known his whole life, Aaron wonders what has happened to his relationship with God. Through this true-to-life story we follow the journey of a young boy coming to grips with a lesson we all need – that real friendship with God means God is in charge.”

Pope Francis Likes CCH!

Dear Friend of,

The excitement of the Easter season continues here at Catholics Come Home® as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection, our beloved Pope Francis, a momentous month for our apostolate in the national spotlight, and the extraordinary plan God has for all of our lives!

Pope Francis knows about Catholics Come Home®!
In the March 17, 2013 issue of Catholic New World (Chicago), Monica Mavric, a judge in the archdiocesan Tribunal recalls her first visit with Pope Francis, when he was a Cardinal in Argentina. During that visit, “Chicago was in the midst of Catholics Come Home, a campaign using advertisements to encourage non-practicing Catholics to return to church. Mavric took Catholics Come Home materials to share with then-Cardinal Bergoglio. He was very happy to have it, she said.”

Catholics Come Home® makes a splash on International TV News and on mainstream National TV during Lent and Holy Week!
We couldn’t be more fired up about the incredible results of our Epic campaign during The Bible on History Channel. According to the producers of The Bible, the series reached more than 100 million viewers during its airing from Lent to Easter Sunday. It’s exciting to think that all of those viewers were reached with the message to “come home to Jesus and His Church,” thanks to your generous support! Catholics Come Home® received an outpouring of emails and social media feedback from both practicing and fallen-away Catholics, as well as non-Catholics during the campaign. Amazingly, our website received 15,000 visitors at once at 10pm EDT on Sunday March 3rd and received more than 75,000 visits during the month that our EPIC evangomercialTM was airing! One thing is clear after this campaign: we need to do more niche campaigns like the History Channel Bible Miniseries and our ESPN Coach Lou Holtz campaigns, to invite more souls home. These targeted niche campaigns are effective and cost efficient!

Multiple Good Friday national news stories about Catholics Come Home®!
The spotlight on Catholics Come Home® and the Church continued on Good Friday, with FOX News featuring me our apostolate in three stories throughout the day, commenting on the resurrecting effect Pope Francis is having on the Catholic Church. Since you probably weren’t watching TV on Good Friday, here are some clips from the stories that day, appearing in America’s Newsroom, Fox Report with Shepard Smith, and Special Report with Bret Baier.

Also on Good Friday, Catholics Come Home® was featured in a prominent article in the National Review online. In it, I refute errors about Catholicism, and explain how to invite more souls home to Jesus and His Holy Catholic Church.

Catholics Come Home: God’s Extraordinary Plan for Your Life is now in airport bookstores!
We recently received the great news that my new book, Catholics Come Home:God’s Extraordinary Plan for Your Life is now prominently displayed among bestsellers on bookshelves in the Atlanta and all the NYC area airports! Click to watch this new promo video for the book, and please share on Facebook and Twitter, so more people can read and benefit from the Good News that God has a unique and extraordinary plan for everyone!

A Coming Home Story…from Facebook!
Several weeks ago, a young woman and mother of two visited our Facebook page, asking questions about the Catholic Church. She wondered about how to recover from feelings of frustration over scandal in the Church, the Church’s teachings on various ‘controversial’ topics, how to forgive Catholics who hurt her in the past, and more. Sometimes her posts with harsh remarks had to be deleted. She seemed convinced that she would never return home. Nonetheless, Katie Peterson Warner, our Director of Communications and Evangelization, continued to dialogue with her online, lovingly and patiently inviting her to open her heart again to the Catholic Church. After much prayer and digital conversation, we received a message from her on Good Friday, during the hours of Divine Mercy, saying, “I want to thank the invisible person who answered my questions and helped re-open my heart. I went back home today and will be there till the day I die. Thank you and God Bless you…for this Catholic has come home and it feels so good.” God could not have given us a greater gift on such a holy day! Please keep this young woman and her family in your prayers as they return home to the practice of the Catholic Faith, thanks to the workings of the Holy Spirit in her heart and missionary evangelization using Facebook! Can you believe it?!

Your generous spiritual and financial support continue to impact many souls, some of whom you may never meet here on earth. What a great reward awaits us who continue to spread God’s Word to the spiritually poor. Please help us continue this vital work so the Holy Spirit can bring more growth to the evangelization mission of Catholics Come Home®!

As always, we thank you for your continued support of our mission to invite Catholics and non-Catholics home to the Catholic Church.

The Meaning of Marriage

A Reflection by Damien J. O’Connor, Office for Pastoral Services, Diocese of Bridgeport

I remember when I was a high school morality teacher, I used to show a video by National Geographic entitled, Lions in the Darkness. I’m sure that most of my students questioned my sanity for showing it to them. Nevertheless they watched the video intently. The scenes simply documented the daily habits of the lions and lionesses. The scenes revealed them copulating, hunting/eating, sleeping together, killing the weak and a total disregard for the greater good of the animal kingdom. It was simply in their nature and their DNA to act this way. This was their normal state. The question I presented to my classes was quite simple, “How are human beings any different in today’s society than the lions?” Now these were fairly intelligent adolescents yet they all struggled with this question. Some simply could not make a distinction between the lions and humans while others, rightfully so, were offended by the implication I was making about them (as part of society) through my question. Thank God for the students that were offended!

The recent debate over same-sex marriage has gained national attention in the United States and rightfully so. The institution of marriage or more appropriately, the Sacrament of marriage has been reduced to a simplistic list of qualities a couple should have if they meet the criteria for marriage as understood by mainstream society. The currant language that seems to qualify a couple for marriage is:
• I/We love each other
• I/We make each other happy
• I/We enjoy intercourse together
• I/We would die for each other

There is a subtle yet dangerous dynamic that occurs in every aspect of mainstream society called Normalization. Simply put, the more we are exposed to something, the more normal it becomes and ultimately accepted. Rarely do we see qualitative or quantitative studies to substantiate that which we now consider normal even if it had always been considered abnormal or even evil in nature. Rarely do we see studies that evaluate what benefits the greater good of society, consult teachings from scripture or even basic common sense and human nature. Nevertheless normalization is all around us and it is often evil.

It has become “normal” and expected to be politically correct and yet no one can provide a credible source through which politically correct or incorrect language and behavior is elucidated. Beyond inclusive language that in many cases seems reasonable, political correctness is nothing more than an overwhelmingly persuasive way of thinking that is based in fear. Due to normalization we now live in a very strange reality: we self-censor ourselves. We are afraid to say anything, so we say nothing. This is not of God and most certainly not Christian. Society and I would dare say most politicians, do not want Catholics to think, use logic, common sense and most certainly live our faith through a radical missionary spirit: which is exactly what we are called to do through our baptism.

The marriage debate regarding same-sex couples offends me deeply not because I am anti homosexuals but because the Sacrament of Marriage is immeasurably more than how it is defined by most in society and is most certainly more than a catchy one-liner on Facebook or 120 characters on twitter. Furthermore, and to be fair, if I was in a homosexual relationship and perceived the way in which marriage is predominantly exemplified in society, it would seem only fair that same sex couples qualify for the same rights. That is precisely my point. I have never understood it as a right but as a vocation.

I knew as a young adult that I was meant to give myself to God in some way as we all are. I had grown up around priests and they deeply influenced my faith development. I witnessed the profound graces of their vocation as I observed them live their faith. I also knew them as human beings, who like me, could be Christ to others or falter and need God’s mercy through the sacrament of confession. Needless to say, I was naturally drawn to the priesthood but wasn’t sure if that was what God was calling me to. I began praying daily that God would show me my vocation, because we all have one. I knew that true joy could only be achieved by fully giving of myself to God and not taking or desiring that which others had. I spent over a year praying daily that I may grow closer to God and that when my vocation became clear, I would first be completely grounded in our Lord.

Then I was given the greatest gift of my life, my wife Monica. Far more important than our nascent physical attraction, love for each other and friendship, God called us to be together. The way in which we live our marriage is a Sign of the Sacrament of Marriage. Our vocation is to be a living Sign of God’s love to all those we encounter, most especially our children, who through the miracle of their birth, consummated our Holy vocation. Although we fail at this often, that is our constant calling and what we have given our lives for. I simply do not understand marriage outside of these parameters. Our marriage (as all marriages) is meant to be a gift to the world and ultimately God, and not a gift that I deserve or qualify for. I deserve it no more than I deserve life itself.
Since Adam and Eve the world has understood marriage and the family as the basis of a civilized society. It has always been the primary source for education, faith development, morals, dignity, self-worth, sacrifice and the stewardship of God’s most precious gift, children.

From the beginning of time there was nothing more natural or understood than the structure of a family being a man, woman and children. It is shockingly narcissistic and naïve to think that suddenly now, we the current (and temporary) stewards of the earth, have come to some sort of unfounded evolution of thought and behavior that contradicts a previously universal truth that has existed since the creation of the world.

Society needs a “new normal” regarding marriage. It is paramount that sacramentally married couples boldly live their vocations and be a very visible Sign in mainstream society. We must all pray publically for vocations to sacramental marriages. When a man and a woman desire marriage, they must understand that their preparation to receive the sacrament, is just as important as the formation prior to joining religious life or ordination to the priesthood. They are giving their lives completely united in God. Canonically, a man and a woman have a right to be married. However, this does not presume that they are automatically predisposed to be Signs of a sacramental marriage. We must have the courage and discipline to prepare these couples with the same fervor, spirit and candor that is applied to men who desire ordination to the priesthood or women who wish to join religious life.

From the beginning of Christianity it has always been through our example that we evangelized the world. I implore sacramentally married couples to live their vocation with a missionary spirit, joyfully in the public square!

Salvation history was changed forever through a family, the Holy Family.

“At a historical moment of severe family fragmentation throughout the Western world, the example of evangelical Catholic families that share joys and burdens, and do so with wit and grace, is one of the most powerful conversion tools available to the Catholic Church.” (George Weigel)

A Blessed Holy Week and Happy Easter from Catholics Come Home

Dear Friend of,

We pray your Holy Week and Easter celebrations are full of grace and joy! In our deep gratitude for our loving God who gave His life for us and founded His Catholic Church, we are blessed to continue to labor in His vineyard, helping to invite more souls home to experience a renewed relationship with the crucified and risen Christ in His Church.

Catholics Come Home® appears on EWTN Live and Relevant Radio!
It’s a great time to be a Catholic. With the recent election of our new Holy Father, the eyes of the world have been on the Church, and we have had an exciting opportunity to invite people all over the world to learn more about the extraordinary plan God has for their lives in the Catholic Church He founded. Check out some of the latest coverage of Catholics Come Home® in the news on Relevant Radio and on EWTN Live, where I sat down with Fr. Mitch Pacwa, our newest addition to our Catholics Come Home® theological advisory board!

God is working miracles through Catholics Come Home® with your help! Here is Thomas’ powerful story…
I lost my Faith roughly 25 years ago, after losing my high school sweetheart, the girl of my dreams. I was suddenly alone. Father Stan said to me, “It was God’s will.” I couldn’t understand that; I couldn’t accept it. I got mad and said goodbye to God and my family and moved to Vancouver, never to look back.

Five years ago, I was hit by a car as I crossed the street on my way to work. I didn’t know it, but that day, my life changed. I managed to contract an infection in my legs that left me quarantined from almost all of society. My only companions during this time were nurses covered from head to toe in plastic and facemasks. I felt very much alone in this world. I blamed God. My legs healed, finally, and I was able to start looking for work again. I still felt bitter towards God for leaving me all alone in this world. I cursed and swore at God and hated every moment of being alive. I blamed God for not just killing me. Even today I still get teary-eyed thinking that I could have been full of so much hate for God and Jesus.

What changed? In the fall of 2012, I started to see the Catholics Come Home commercials on TV. At first I was not interested. Then at Christmas something ‘snapped’ and I knew that I had to come back to God. I saw several of these ads on TV and inside something was stirring in my soul. I prayed for forgiveness at my foolishness for what happened after the car accident. I read the book Catholics Come Home: God’s Extraordinary Plan for Your Life and [Tom’s recommended book] Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence, and that’s when everything lit up. I understood the pain and suffering. I am thankful that I will be in Mass again. It was your ads that made all the difference. I think if they had not been there, I probably would have continued to drift and disappear. –Thomas M., Vancouver, Canada

Watch for the final airing of the Catholics Come Home® “Epic” evangomercial™ in “The Bible” Easter Sunday!
As you may have noticed from our previous e-mail updates, the response to our “Epic” evangomercials™ on the History Channel’s The Bible has been huge! Our inboxes have been full of emails from Catholics reenergized about their faith, fallen-away Catholics inquiring about coming home, and non-Catholics curious to learn more about the Catholic Church. One woman reached out to us on Facebook, sharing, ” I came home last week after seeing the commercial.” Praise God! Be sure to tune in to see the final airing of “Epic” during the miniseries this Easter Sunday at 8 p.m. EST. Thanks to your generous support, we are extending the invitation to come home to millions of viewers tuning in on the glorious day on which we celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection!

Thanks to your generous spiritual and financial support, we have made unprecedented headway this Lent in inviting millions of souls home to the Catholic Church and encouraging them to discover God’s plan for their lives. Please help us keep the momentum going so the Holy Spirit can bring more growth to the work of Catholics Come Home®!

As always, we thank you for your continued support of our mission to invite Catholics and non-Catholics home to the Catholic Church.

Your brother in Christ,

Tom Peterson and your team

CCH Makes News on International TV Station; More Catholics Come Home!

Dear Friend of,

We pray your Lenten season so far has been fruitful and blessed! It is a privilege for us to share with you the good news happening at Catholics Come Home® during this penitential season.

Oscar comes home with the help of Catholics Come Home® evangomercials!
We were thrilled to receive a testimony from our new friend, Oscar, the other day. He shared with us:

“Catholics Come Home could not have started at a better time for me. I left the faith when I was 16. It took 17 years for me to circle back in search of God. My prayers and studies led me back to the Catholic Church, and the inspirational commercials gave me the added courage to make that decision.” -Oscar, Allen, TX

Oscar is now so on fire for his Catholic Faith that he works as a St. Paul Street Evangelist! Praise God!

Have you see our “Epic” ad again during “The Bible” on History Channel?
Please continue to pray for the impact of the Catholics Come Home® evangomercials™ that are airing with your Lenten almsgiving during The Bible on the History Channel. The premiere episode alone had over 27 million viewers, making it the #1 cable event of the year. Also, after promoting our “Epic” evangomercials™ airing during “The Bible” through social media, we grew our Facebook page by more than 1,000 additional “followers” and reached over 126,000 people on Facebook…all in just one week! The numbers continue to grow. Praise God!

Catholics Come Home® appears on The Filipino Channel in Vancouver!
The exciting success of our first internationally-aired Catholics Come Home® evangomercials™ continues to make its way into the news…this time on The Filipino Channel!

Thanks to your generous spiritual and financial support, we are continuing to reach millions of people with the good news of the Catholic Church that Jesus founded. God-willing, the result will be that we can have more stories like Oscar’s! Please join us in our mission by sponsoring more ads so we can continue this effective evangelism outreach!

As always, we thank you for your continued support of our mission to invite Catholics and non-Catholics home to the Catholic Church.

Your brother in Christ,

Tom Peterson and your team

Help Air CCH Commercials During “The Bible” on History Channel!

Dear Friend of,

Have you heard? The secular History Channel is airing a new series: The Bible, premiering on March 3. I was excited to meet with the producers of the epic 5-week mini-series a few times, Emmy winning husband and wife team Mark Burnett and RomaDowney. We share a passion for evangelization and a love of the Bible.

For two hours each Sunday night, millions of viewers around the country will watch the story of salvation history, stretching from Genesis to Revelation, in a stunning visual TV presentation, with the final episode of the series, featuring Christ’s death and Resurrection, airing on Easter Sunday.

Catholics Come Home® wants to air commercials during the show!
Imagine how many viewers of all different faith backgrounds–and many fallen-away Catholics–and even people on their faith journey for the first time will be watching the series on the popular History Channel! Though I haven’t seen the whole miniseries yet, I do know the impact that our “Epic” ad could have on the audience. How great it would be if we could join together to promote the Good News of the Catholic Church that Jesus founded by airing Catholics Come Home® commercials during this highly-acclaimed national programming.

Read what Cardinal Wuerl of the Archdiocese of Washington has to say about the series:
The Bible, the made-for-TV video, seeks to introduce a new generation to the Bible, the great book of the works of God. It does so with great passion, exquisite skill and cinemagraphic triumph. My hope is that this video presentation, The Bible, may bring alive its many stories in people’s minds and hearts so that they may be drawn to rediscover the Bible and rejoice in its saving message.

We need your help!
Our goal is to have more people be touched by the “Epic” ad, like our friend Deborah was, who recently emailed us explaining how she put off coming home to the Catholic Church for years, “until I saw the Catholics Come Home commerical in December 2011 [during the national campaign]. I said ‘Ok, Lord, I’ll go.’ I walked into my parish in Indiana on January 1, 2012 and found home! I enrolled that week in the RCIA program and was baptized that April. I am very active in church and love everyone and everything in our parish. It was a lot of years of seeking but I am finally home!”

We would like everyone tuning into The Bible to see Catholics Come Home® commercials air during the breaks, but we can’t do this without your help. Willyou please prayerfully consider making a donation to help us in this national TV effort, that will require our investment of nearly $200,000? Your gift will help reach millions of souls with the message that the story of salvation history continues today in Christ’s Catholic Church!

Thank you for your continued support of Catholics Come Home® and for joining me on this exciting journey of faith in Christ’s Catholic Church!

Your brother in Christ,

Tom Peterson and your team

Tom Peterson on EWTN Live TODAY, Ash Wednesday!

First and foremost, we ask you to please join us in praying for the health of our Holy Father and for the upcoming election of our new Supreme Pontiff. We thank God for the amazing teacher and shepherd that Pope Benedict XVI has been, encouraging Catholics Come Home® and every one of us to live out the call to the New Evangelization with energy and boldness.

With the humility and faithfulness of Pope Benedict XVI to inspire us, we are pleased to report that the work of Catholics Come Home® is off to a great start in this new year. Here are some exciting updates we would like to share with you:

Catholics Come Home® combats anti-Catholic hostility on secular radio!
Our recent campaigns sparked lively discussions in the secular media, confirming that we know good things are happening when the Church faces such persecution. Christ promises us in Scripture that we are blessed when we are persecuted for the sake of righteousness (Matt 5:10). I hope you’ll take a few moments to listen to some of my recent radio interviews in Cincinnati and Vancouver and pray that God may give us the courage and strength to combat falsehood and love hurting souls with the love of Christ, even in the face of persecution.

Catholics Come Home® will be on EWTN Live on Ash Wednesday!
I will be sitting down with Fr. Mitch Pacwa on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 13, at 8 p.m. EST to discuss the recent campaigns and success of Catholics Come Home®, as well as the impact of media on our culture. We will also discuss the upcoming release of my new book, Catholics Come Home: God’s Extraordinary Plan for Your Life (Random House/Image Publishing, NYC), with the foreword by Dr. Scott Hahn! Reruns of the show will air Thursday, Feb. 14 at 9 a.m. EST and Sunday, Feb. 17 at 4 a.m. EST.

We are only days away from the release of Catholics Come Home: God’s Extraordinary Plan for Your Life!
If you haven’t already pre-ordered your copy, you still have time to order online! Next week, Feb. 19, the book will be released and you will start seeing copies in your local Catholic bookstore. Please spread the word by emailing your friends and relatives to encourage them to get a copy of the book, too! It offers inspiration for the faithful and is a great evangelization tool for those friends and relatives on their journey home to the Church.

Catholics Come Home Book is Almost Here!

If you are looking for answers, wanting more peace, passion and purpose in your life,
then discover 7 secrets to happiness in Tom Peterson’s new book Catholics Come Home.
In just three years, nearly 200 million viewers have witnessed the Catholics Come Home inspiring ads on network
and cable television, which have already helped 400,000 neighbors, relatives and coworkers
to experience God’s love, and rediscover their Church family.

Catholics Come Home receives noteworthy praise from: Coach Lou Holtz (ESPN), Cardinal
Timothy Dolan (Archbishop of New York), Pastor Rick Warren (Purpose Driven Life), Roma
Downey (Touched by an Angel, The Bible miniseries) Dr. Scott Hahn (Rome Sweet Home),
Pat Madrid (Surprised by Truth), Dr. Peter Kreeft (Jesus Shock), Matthew Kelly (The Dream
Manager), and others.

Catholics Come Home is soon to be released! Pre-order up your copy of Catholics Come Home today, and see how it will help uplift your life, bless our culture, and inspire readers to change the world!

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