Catholics Come Home In the News

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Getting to Know Our Lady…

Yesterday we celebrated the Solemnity of the Annunciation, and we commemorated Our Mother Mary’s “fiat” that should remind us of our need to grow in holiness and conformity to the will of God this Lent.

AnnunciationoftheLordWe have so much to learn from Mary’s life after this beautiful event. But what about the pre-Annunciation Mary? What can Our Lady teach us about humility and virtue through our glimpses of her early life?

Check out this great article by Dr. Ted Sri: The Original Mary: Our Lady’s Life Before the Annunciation.

You are in our prayers here at as we prepare to enter Holy Week! God bless! in the California News – Celebrating "belonging"!

CCH in the News:

California newspaper, Colfax Record, reports of Nigerian-born priest rejoicing in his USA citizenship and relating it to the Diocese of Sacramento’s recent TV campaign.

“…Fr. Ambrose can relate to the Catholic Church’s recent ‘Catholics Come Home’ campaign.

The nationwide effort began as a grass roots movement to encourage those who have left the Catholic Church for one reason or another to return to their faith.

‘People have changed over the last 20 or 30 years and so has the church in many aspects,’ he said.  ‘We want people to know that they may have left the Catholic Church, but the Church is still here and cares about them.

Much as he wanted to belong to the U.S., Fr. Ambrose believes many crave the need to belong to a church community.

Reaching out to the community in an attempt to re-establish dialog with Catholics who no longer attend church has gotten positive feedback.

Fr. Ambrose noted that several families have accepted the invitation to ‘come home.’

‘Sometimes after Mass someone will come up to me and say, ‘Father, I am back!’ This is very encouraging,’ he said.”
click here to read entire article

Visit each day this Lent to grow in your faith and love of Christ and His Catholic Church. TV messages continue to reach Green Bay Catholics!

Another GREAT update from a Diocese of Green Bay parish:

“An article on Catholics Come Home regarding St. Francis of Assisi and St. Peter the Fisherman Parishes has made the front page of the Manitowoc Herald Times.

We have had 9 people fill out cards. Five have registered. Our materials on our guest table are going.  People have taken the pamphlets on annulments.”

Please continue praying for those being reached by CCH TV ads, and grow in your faith this Lent by visiting each day!

CCH Recommends…

Godless_Delusion_CoverHave you heard about Patrick Madrid’s new book to be released May 1? It’s called The Godless Delusion: A Catholic Challenge to Modern Atheism. Keep up with Patrick’s blog to get updates on pricing, pre-order info, and more details!

And have you seen this one by Dr. Peter Kreeft? beforbefore i goe i go was written for his children, but contains beautiful lessons for all of us, like the importance of love and forgiveness in our relationships. Read some exerpts from this great book here. It will leave you wanting to read more!

God bless and have a wonderful day! To find more great books to help you grow in your Catholic Faith this Lent, visit

Happy Feast Day!

In honor of the celebration of the Feast of St. Joseph, here is a great article that talks about St. Joseph: The Silent Figure.

In the article, Fr. William Saunders quotes Pope John Paul II saying, ‘Pope John Paul II in Redemptoris Custos (1989) exhorted the faithful to look to St. Joseph in our troubled age: “This patronage must be invoked, and it is always necessary for the Church, not only to defend it against dangersSt. Joseph ceaselessly cropping up, but also and above all to support it in those fearful efforts at evangelizing the world, and spreading the new evangelization among nations where the Christian religion and life were formerly the most flourishing, but are now put to a difficult test…. May St. Joseph become for all a singular master in the service of the saving mission of Christ that is incumbent on each and every one of us in the Church: To spouses, to parents, to those who live by the work of their hands or by any other work, to persons called to the contemplative life as well as to those called to the apostolate.”‘ ”

St. Joseph, please place our Lenten intentions at the feet of Jesus…and pray for us!

Happy Feast Day from! in the Green Bay News!

CCH In the News:

The Diocese of Green Bay is currently airing a TV campaign this Lent.  See the latest article from the Green Bay press:

Catholics Come Home Event Welcomes People Back
Diocesan campaign seeks to share ‘Good News’ and reconnect all individuals to church”
click to read entire article

Visit each day to grow in your faith this Lent.

From the prayer corner…

CrystalRosary2“Some people are so foolish that they think they can go through life without the help of the Blessed Mother. Love the Madonna and pray the rosary, for her Rosary is the weapon against the evils of the world today. All graces given by God pass through the Blessed Mother.” -St. Padre Pio

During Lent, we are all called to deepen our prayer lives. What more powerful way is there for us to do that than to pray the Holy Rosary?

In Rosarium Virginis Mariae (RVM), Pope John Paul II conveyed a powerful reflection on the importance of the Rosary in his own life and shared with us how we can do the same.

Read this wonderful article: Enter the Mystery: Pope John Paul II’s Practical Insights for Greater Devotion by Dr. Ted Sri which beautifully outlines some of Pope John Paul II’s great insights.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

To grow in your Catholic Faith this Lent, visit

St. Michael the Archangel-Help us in our Lenten battles!

Lent seems like the perfect time to get reacquainted with St. Michael the Archangel. Praying St. Michael the Archangel’s prayer during Lent can help fortify us against the evil and temptations we may encounter during these 40 days of testing.

Check out this article about St. Michael: Guardian of the Church, to learn more about St. Michael’s role in defending against evil in our world.

St. Michael“Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host –
by the Power of God –
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.”

Grow in your Catholic Faith this Lent! Visit

More great news in response to the Archdiocese of Chicago's campaign

The Archdiocese of Chicago’s BLOG shares some of their most recent updates and results since their Advent 2009 CCH TV ad campaign:

“You may have seen experiences of speed and excitement while watching skiing events in the winter Olympics, but that is nothing compared to what’s been going on in the Office for Evangelization in the last 8 months!

It was mid summer when three dioceses (Chicago, Joliet and Rockford) began coordinating on an evangelization initiative called Catholics Come Home. The plan was to air 2,000 television ads in 3 languages over 10 stations in 5 ½ weeks beginning December 16 inviting Catholics to return to the practice of the faith. During the Fall our staff held training sessions for over 320 Parish Contacts, informational meetings for 650 parish receptionists and dozens of presentations at Parish and Deanery meetings throughout the Archdiocese, and we started our website.

During Advent, the phone calls and e-mails began coming in. Throughout January and February we have heard from many people who have come home to the Catholic Church. Each person brings with him/her a story of a difficult time in their lives though the outcome of their return is always a sense of peace and joy.

Now it’s March and Catholics Come Home Chicago keeps going and going and”click here to read entire blog

Visit each day to grow in your faith this Lent.

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